Various functions and/or knowledge about how to do things correctly on the VW engine and trans. Not available from anyone else. I have created this copyrighted literature that covers these subject areas in depth. Examples are the proper way to degree a cam in the VW engine, cooling, CR vs. octane, stroker crank installation, deck measuring and affects etc. These are findings of ours and many of our customer's years of experience and developments. Provided to allow you to educate yourself and enable you to make intelligent and responsible choices to make your VW engine work and live, the first and only time. Some people misunderstand or underrate the value in these articles. They are critical in making an engine work properly and live. They are not aimed at selling anything to the consumer but just good information. After all, how much would I make telling the customer to use the factory fan housing system that he/she already has or to lower the CR to make their engine live? I realize that our information in this web site and our technical articles may seem to be a bit overwhelming. However, I assure you that by committing yourself to reading and understanding the information you will benefit regardless of what you build or spend. My intention is to assist you so that you get the most for what you spend in engine life and dollar value. Many people simply cannot afford to do everything exactly the way we suggest. That is fine but our commitment is to share our expertise so you can at least get the most for what you can afford. I know there are other ways to do things, however, our information is based on thousands of tests that prove these combinations work every time and provide the most trouble free operation for the consumer. Originated and printed in USA by Gene Berg Enterprises. |