That's right we are now using and selling programmable electronic fuel injection sets that will provide proper mileage, smoother and more all around power than any carburetion. For race and street applications, for gas or alcohol, with or without supercharged or turbocharged. Complete streetability with large race camshafts. Engines pull at wide open throttle at low RPM all the way to the limits of the heads and camshaft combination. PEFI provides the ability to run 48 or even 58mm butterflies, large race camshafts, and big valve heads on the street as a daily driver, yet are as smooth as the stock carb and cam originally was. Test engines for the street are running GB 316 (FK-89) cams with perfectly smooth acceleration from idle. Yes, I said from idle. You can put it to the floor from idle without any flat spot, coughing or sputtering. Far smoother transition into the cam at the 5000 RPM range. This car drives as smooth as a car with a GB 297 (E-110) street cam and small carburetion. Naturally, this engine has a close ratio 5 speed gear box to optimize the power from 5000 RPM up. Full throttle power runs on the dyno can be made at any RPM, even at 2500 RPM, well below the cam power curve. Just think, the smoothness of a stock cam and the power of an all out race cam. This is only available by providing the correct fuel to air ratio at every RPM and throttle position with the PEFI. We have engines running on the street and in race applications, beginning in 1988, with the Haltech PEFI providing astounding results, all trouble free. Road racers and our Pikes Peak car report that the driveability is so good they never have to be concerned with being "ON" the cam. Furthermore, with a perfect fuel curve the engine accelerates much quicker. In many cases they are already one gear higher than with the Webers when they exit corners. 200 HP street cars are astounded by the total driveability with race power available anytime they want to ask the engine to make the power. I have idled along in 1st gear below 2000 RPM and then floored it, only to light up the tires, back out of it and floor it again and again light up the tires. Back out of it and smoothly drive it away, yes as we say, "you can have it all." Programming is done with any IBM compatible computer, preferably with a laptop if done in the car and HALHM-AF30 exhaust analyzer. We provide a start-up program that gets you close to your engine's needs, which we have developed from our tests. You install the kit on your engine and get it running. You then hook up a high speed exhaust analyzer such as, HALHM-AF30, your computer with VGA compatibility and start programming the Haltech ECU. This can be done fastest on the dyno, however, can be done in the car with an additional operator to do the programming as another drives the car. When I installed the system on my 1984 Vanagon I first set it up at idle and free running up to 3500 RPM. Then I drove and Clyde programmed. Sometimes, I would need to hold the brake a few seconds to give him time to see the changes he needed to make, I would wait until he made the changes and test it again at the same RPM and throttle position. We then went on a long drive at different speeds and conditions with Clyde putting the final touches on. Total time in the car was about 2-1/2 hours. First, you must warm up the engine completely, do every RPM range with 32 throttle positions. The program provides an arrow that points at the throttle position. By pressing the home key it goes to the RPM and throttle position that you are using. It also displays the RPM in the upper right hand corner. You simply read the exhaust analyzer and correct the mixture at that position with the up or down arrow keys. Continue to go through all of the RPM ranges and loads until done. We did one position and skipped 4 and did the 5th one. Some people do every 8 bars for a quick reference. You can select half bars (16) for quicker programming. Proceed all of the way to full throttle and repeat at each RPM scale until done. Then you can switch back to 32 bars and average between the programmed points. On the dyno the complete programming takes about 30 to 40 minutes of actual program time. In the car takes longer as you have no good way to hold the RPM with a specific load for a long enough period so you must go through the RPM more times to complete the tuning. You then test from idle for sharp acceleration and program the accelerator pump mode. This increases the amount the injector opens and also how long you want it to keep this extra amount, providing the ability to eliminate all flat spots. When programmed, allow the car to completely cool off. Turn on the exhaust analyzer before you start the car and load the program, select the "C"oolant map. You must now program the extra fuel needed to have the engine run the same cold and hot, no flat spots or coughing, this provides perfect running cold or hot. This is done, like all of the adjustments, by reading the exhaust analyzer and correcting the mixture with the computer's arrow keys. The temperature is listed on the screen in either degrees "C" or "F" (switchable). Warm up is corrected with the arrow keys, the same as all maps and adds fuel to everything until warmed up. Once properly adjusted you do not need to make changes for temperature or altitude as these items are handled by the computer. If you set it at sea level and go to 14,000 ft. and/or change temperature from 50 to 100 degrees, the fuel/air ratio is corrected automatically inside the computer. Many possible choices of installation are available depending upon what you want. This computer can be installed in place of stock computers with the stock single throttle body like I did in my 1984 Vanagon, all the way up to having dual, dual throat 58mm throttle bodies as our race car had. We even supply units that are designed for turbo or superchargers, which have a pressure sensor that will switch programs when you reach a selected manifold pressure. You program the normally aspirated part with one half the scale for normal pressure and the other half for boost or when you have manifold pressure. Just think, correct fuel/air ratio perfect with or without boost at any throttle position. Requires special shielded plug wire set listed to stop RFI interruption in the ECU such as our Magnecore wires. Note: Remember, there are many combinations you can select, all of which vary the price considerably. For that reason we do not offer completed kits. We can also supply kits for other than VW engines. |